2) I would have been more satisfied if she had given me cash instead of cheque Regards, Mirch Ola's answer Yes, there is a difference HAVE can be used both as a main verb and a helping verb HAVE as the main verb I have a car They have a few good friends You will have lots of money HAVE as the helping verb I have sold my carBeholden definition 1 feeling you have a duty to someone because they have done something for you 2 feeling you Learn moreThe Marathi people, also rendered as Marathis or Maharashtrian, are an ethnolinguistic group who speak Marathi, an IndoAryan language, as their native languageThey inhabit the state of Maharashtra in modern India, which was formed as a Marathispeaking state in 1960 as part of a nationwide linguistic reorganization of the Indian statesThe term Maratha is generally used by

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The Maratha caste are a Marathi clan originally formed in the earlier centuries from the amalgamation of families from the peasant (), shepherd (), pastoral (), blacksmith (), carpenter (Sutar), Bhandari, Thakar and Koli castes in MaharashtraMany of them took to military service in the 16th century for the Deccan sultanates or the MughalsLater in the 17th and 18th centuries,I would have been done it Hindi pls dont put any wrong mean if u din't know it will get confusing for other people Last Update Usage Frequency 1 Quality Reference Anonymous English i would have been done itHe might have got stuck in traffic He might have forgotten that we were meeting today He might have overslept Should have past participle 1 Should have past participle can mean something that would have been a good idea, but that you didn't do it It's like giving advice about the past when you say it to someone else, or regretting what

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You may have heard someone say a sentence using the words, "must have been" This is not a past conditional structure, but rather it is in the present perfect "Must have been" is used to express an assumption, or an opinion that you gathered from a logical guessUse of Would be, Would Have, Would have been in English GrammarAll Verbs (Modal/Auxiliary/Helping) https//wwwspokenenglishguru/allverbsinenglishgअसफल adjective Asaphala unsuccessful, unavailing, infelicitous, jejune, illfated नाकामयाब adjective Nākāmayāba unsuccessful, infelicitous, illfated, illstarred असफल आदमी noun asaphal aadamee mighthavebeen

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Today we will take a look at the modal verbs could have, would have and should have These past tense modals are useful for expressing your present feelings about a past decision (or other action)Suspicious definition 1 making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong 2 feeling Learn moreBoth Would have been, should have been are part of a past perfect predicate and are passive constructions if the next word is a past participle Should have and Could have, assuming they are not followed by the past participle of the verb to be but, rather a past participle of a transitive verb, are part of the a past perfect active

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If I had received the money, I would have given it to you (Meaning I didn't receive the money, so I didn't give it to you) If she had studied for the exam, she would have passed it (Meaning She didn't study for the exam, so she didn't pass it) You would have helped if you had known about the accident (Meaning You didn't know about the accident, so you didn't help)While Can't Have (Been) is used to refer to an incident in the near past, Couldn't Have (Been) is used for an event that happened way back in the past Let's use some examples for comparison He's been limping since this past week;Contingency meaning in marathi For AS 4 contingencies and events occurring after the balance sheet date, following sections are covered in this article AS 4 deals with treatment in the financial statements of contingenciesevents which occur after balance sheet date The followings that might result in the contingencies are excluded from the scope of AS 4 bearing in mind special

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